A good message
For the sake of some animation, I give thee a one.
-My opinion: Normally, I would give this flash a good rogering review, but since you so eloquently presented this lengthy rant, I'll give you one myself. You deserve more than a simple review.
-The reason for higher blam rates in the past is probably due to the fact that all the experienced users have moved on in life. I remember telling someone about NG a while back, and they simply replied: "What's Newgrounds?" What is Newgrounds? Have you been living in a hole? Nope, simply a lack of interest and probably Facebook or YouTube. This is an unfortunate trend nowadays, and as I'm writing this, I'm starting to see how NG may be on a downfall. People are simply losing interest in flashes anymore. Sure, flash was cool back in 2002-2006, but the allure of crappy no-effort YouTube vids and bragging to people about your boring life on Facebook has taken precedent over the artistic flash that took weeks or even months to make.
-The people that DO still visit NG are primarily people with little to no experience in flash whatsoever and thus have no appreciation for the time and effort it takes to make a quality flash. They probably have no idea how to vote on submissions either. You also have the people that have remained dedicated to NG for years still patrol the portal every once in a while. Unfortunately, they don't do it enough as you can see by the amount of submissions far surpassing the blams every day (you're not the only observant one). Of course, you have the scavengers; the KK, DD, SS, CC, BB, etc. They are the reason NG has so much crap on it. They far outnumber experienced users and can be blamed for the garbage that makes it through the portal every day.
-This imbalance in user experience (and maturity) leads to the defunct ratio of submissions/blams. It's like an old video game that still somehow supports multiplayer. You have a few experienced players here and there (who will utterly dominate you) and a bunch of newbs who are just there to annoy you.
*I hope you see the reasons now. All we can do is keep voting every day and hope that more people join who want to keep NG clean.