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Wherever I am now

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Posted by Viper90 - September 1st, 2009

I believe I'm going to reopen my page for discussion. If anyone wants to have a good talk about pretty much anything, please post here.
Questions? I'll tell you what I think about it based on my experiences.
Theory? Feel free to share it here. Anything generally intelligent will probably make it on here. Yes, I do have to approve posts, so spammers will not get their fill, and may or may not be reported. Until I can think of something better to post;
Fire away, NG intellects!


First off, thanks for replying to my page; I'll reply to it when I can.

It has made me think over a few things now. I appreciate it.

I'm glad you feel that way. I try to help when I can.

i read your posts and your cool!Dude are you like a psychologist?Your like a smart people person...Really awesome is you

ya and i looked your right about that ng bot thing :)

-Hey thanks, I like to call myself a 'philosopher' but at times I feel like a psychologist. It depends on the situation I suppose. I like to help people out of their problems sometimes, and I've even thought about becoming a psychologist, so I guess your opinion isn't too much of a stretch.
-I've been pretty in touch with NG lately, so finding some bot info for a new user is right up my alley.

Faggot got style.

Right back at ya.

im kinda bored so ill ask you random question

if you had a time machine when would you go?

I'd travel forward in time, discover the secret of immortality/eternal youth. I would probably travel ahead some though, just to make sure the 'secret' really works. After that, I would travel WAY back, and enjoy time as it progresses.
I COULD end up endangering my future existence altering the past, so I would probably lay low...as a reclusive lord or something. By the time my future self is born, there would be two of me in the world...so that would be a time paradox and could end existence altogether! That would prove the Mayans wrong though (I wasn't born in 2012). I would probably skip this time period and go to when I was awarded my time machine. This would synchronize events and allow me to enjoy the rest of the future as it unfolds. Already possessing the secret of immortality/eternal youth, it's a long road ahead...

for me I'll take something like an iphone for example then go back to past to get rich quick

That would be cool, but the consequences would be dire. Anyone who alters the past would risk damaging the future...at least, that's how the theory goes. Some people suggest that time ISN'T linear and that it can go in any direction at any given point. Think of a sea urchin. It has a center with spines going in each direction. The center is the present and each of those spines is a possible future. I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that theory, but it's possible. -Anyways...yeah, get rich quick. Have you ever thought of the possibilities of such an endeavor? You would probably be investigated and even detained by the government for bringing an unknown technology to society. They'd probably steal it from you and utilize it's power to alter future events. Wars would be changed. Territorial control would shift. Maps would change. Chaos could ensue.
-Of course, something like an iPhone wouldn't be of much use in the past due to the absence of cell phone towers, 3G, and even wireless networking...unless you could invent them yourself. Wow, thinking of it now...someone may have already brought something to the past and that may have been what sparked all these inventions in the first place. Oh the possibilities...

btw i'm shadowreaper666 it just this account was hacked long time ago got it back yesterday

Please forgive me if I don't remember you. I don't pay much attention to NG anymore. I only get on for voting nowadays. Sorry if I didn't notice your posts, I don't check my news much either.

Hey Viper, just stumbled upon your profile. I see that you are having intelectual conversations with other users, which I think is awsome. I have a little question of my own, do you believe that reincarnation can happen?

Yes...I do enjoy a good intellectual conversation every so often. I haven't been active on NG for about a year though, other than for voting. Sorry about responding late. I'm surprised people actually still look at my profile!

Please forgive me if I'm a little rusty in my Philosophy.

-Well...I'm assuming you mean 'life' after what we're experiencing right now. I think you first have to define what life really is. To me, life is the perception of reality. Reality is what we can perceive with our body. When you look at a mirror, you see your body; you can see your body because it can perceive reality (the mirror); but what happens when you strip away that body, thus impairing your ability to perceive this specific reality? Who's to say there aren't other realities that can be perceived by 'other' methods?

That only concerns life after death however, whether you will be able to perceive THIS reality after death is...questionable.

-There are many theories and beliefs as to what will happen after death though. To analyze them all would require more space and time than I am willing to devote here. To put it simply...yes, I believe reincarnation is very possible.

Thanks for Replying, and I know that my question was one that wold take endless amount of time to fully explain. THroughout most of my days, I have believed that reincarnation is possible and probable. I myself am sure that i am the reincarnation of a black leopard, born into a human's body. People may think that it is strange to say so, but let them thinks as they want, because it does not affect how i live. THanks again for replying.

-LeopardFurryfurever,a.k.a. "Hilo"

-Though I may not be inclined to agree with you, I'm not going to put you down either. There have been many stories of people who claim to have led past lives in some way or another. Even I've had 'memories' of sorts concerning space travel and exploration. Who knows where these memories come from? Perhaps they're just subconscious desires being reflected in a dream-like memory state in the back of your mind, or perhaps there's something more to the matter.

- Personally, I would find reincarnation to be rather disheartening. If it truly is possible, how long has it been going on? If it exists, then it must effect all of us. Since we don't immediately recall what kinds of lives we lived before, then surely we won't remember the next time we come to life here on Earth. That's disheartening to me because I'd rather like to study my history if I have one. Who's to say the life we're living now is some sort of fluke and that we had never been able to think back on our past as we're doing now? What if we don't have that same ability next time and we just keep cycling on and on without any clue?...very disheartening.

I understand what you are saying, because I have though about that multiple times. What if it is a never ending cycle, as we slowly forget what we know? It is quite scary to think of having the one thing that you can call your own; your memories; and stripping them away.

Like you said, the life we have now might be a fluke, because what order is there to this thing we call life. Worlds, the stars, the entire cosmos was brought together through chaos, and chaos has no order to go by. There is nothing we feeble scraps of life can do, but to live with it.

To agree or not is what makes us unique, though contradicting myself, it is the order of chaos.

-It is my firm belief that everything occurs for a reason...whether that be to balance events in the future, or cause them.

-Due to our ignorant nature of 'understanding' we perceive chaos as a bad thing. Death may appear evil on the surface, though it brings life. Cut a field of grass, and it grows back even longer.

-What I'm trying to say is: order exists, in it's own strange way. With such an unpredictable order however, we are given the illusion that what we do or say will change the world...though what if that is how things were meant to be?

-Yes, argumentation gives a standpoint viability.

I think that if Order exists, though as uncertain as it may be, coincides with chaos. I think that Chaos is not scary, sorry if it was misinterpreted.Chaos and Order would be the shielding of a beetle's wings, while the wings are the Future. When that shell is opened, and the wings take flight, the beetle, lets call this the brains behind the whole operation of our Fate, is leading our future to its destination, where ever that may be. Though the beetle is not completely sure if it will reach its destination. Outside forces, which is also chaos, interacts with the beetle. There could be barriers, changing the course of the beetle. The beetle might break its wings, which cripples the future, leaving Fate to reach its destination through its own free will. The beetle may never reach its destination, or it might. No matter what happens, Chaos still remains, in some shape or form. It is not the embodiment of evil, but i can choose either a happy ending or a sad ending.

Sorry if i was rambling on there, I get kinda carried away trying to explain myself using personification.

-That is what I was saying. Order is created out of Chaos.
I wasn't accusing you of being afraid, I was merely stating that people in general tend to think Chaos is a bad thing and should be avoided at all cost.

-Interesting analogy!

-It's no problem at all, I ramble sometimes too.

Analogies are helpful at explaining things, thats for sure, it also leaves room for debate, which is also good.

I was going through my inbox, cleaning up unneeded messages, when I came across the one that you had sent me. I can't at all remember that situation, but it was amusing to see Zone-Sama in it.
I read what you said about time travel, which I strongly disagree with. I don't think that we can actually enter another time period. But I do believe that we can someday find a way to create a time viewer, instead of the cliched time traveler, or time portal. I guess time will tell, lol.

Hmm... While I am here, I suppose I could talk about my game idea. It will start off as just a storyline, and soon playable by flash, and eventually, hopefully, purchasable at well-known video game retailers. After all, you can truly never know for sure.

This is still just a draft... but I'm quickly working on it. However, I don't want to reveal to much, just yet. I'm not like Valve, makers of Portal and HL2, where they have no idea when they're games will be done. I'm saying... somewhere in late October, early November. Anyway...

I put the player in a strange position. They will find themselves in a small room, completely empty (not even dust), only a picture with a few numbers scattered throughout it. The single door slides up, revealing pure white blankness. A camera mysteriously slides from the bright, blinding blank background, to the tiles at the player's "feet". As soon as you take a step, the door shuts again, leaving the player confused. Obviously, their captures (or whoever put him there) are toying with them. A nice glimpse at the air vent that the door had conveniently opened, seems to be the only exit. The player can now use a camera to take pictures, such as a picture of the... picture, for future needed reference. The player then can climb out of the vent, and on to explore, and more importantly escape, his strange environment.

-Ha wow...I really don't remember sending you a message, let alone what it was about, your name is familiar though. Sorry man, but I haven't been a 'serious' NG user for quite some time now.

-The time travel scenario was purely hypothetical...it wasn't a serious question, so it didn't mandate a serious answer. I realize that our concept of 'time' is much too complex to harness in such a way.

-I'm glad you have the inspiration to create something like that. I'm also glad you were able to share your ideas with me here. I hope you do well with it.