I posted an article earlier about Obama's new jet and the absence of the American flag on it.
Most people don't realize we disrespect the flag in more ways than this. If you've ever looked at one of the websites dedicated to the care of the flag,
http://www.usflag.org/flagetiquette.ht ml
you'll see that the flag is abused every day. If the image of the flag, a representation of the flag, or any thing that remotely reminds you of the flag is used in any way other than being an actual flag, it is disrespectful. Think about it. People use images of the flag in many different ways. On plates, shirts, towels, logos, ads, etc. I've even seen a fire hydrant decorated like a flag. Some of our presidents have even written on the flag with their signature. All of these ways lead to the flag being mutilated, thrown away, or otherwise disrespected. What do you think of this issue? Is using the flag in these ways disrespectful?